Seeking Leader(s) to Drive the Friends of Ute Valley Park Initiative
At the March 20th meeting, 17 people put their contact info on a form expressing an interest in helping to form a Friends of Ute Valley Park. Unfortunately, due to all the other responsibilities and programs that your new HOA President has been working on, no progress has been made on FOUVP since the March meeting.
At this point, it is clear that we need to seek and identify other Pinecliff volunteers to lead the effort. Ideally, these people would have the time, energy, and talent to investigate the formation of a independent Friends of Ute Valley Park . To begin, they might contact other non-profit and governmental organizations related to parks and conservation to learn how they got started and what they learned from their experiences. The champion would then organize, publicize, and hold a kickoff meeting to get the ball rolling. Topics and action items from the meeting could include creating a mission statement, defining the purpose and scope, setting objectives, defining an organizational structure, creating a budget, creating a funding model, developing a network of similar organizations and advocates, etc.
Anyone interested leading this initiative or to suggest someone else who may be interested, please email or call Bruce Hutchison (